Nick Trickett

5′ 5
Extended Offseason-Mass Building

About Nick

   “When the time comes there will not be enough people to bury the dead.” –Rob Bailey.  Most people lack the discipline to become their greatest potential.  What have you sacrificed and lost along the way to reach the top?  Are you even willing to put your whole being out there for everyone to see and criticize?  Who are you and what are you doing?

   Every stare, every comment, every moment in this sport is what I live for.  This is a lonely journey…a lonely road.  Bodybuilding will eat you alive.  Mental toughness doesn’t even begin to describe what you will go through.  I am not here to give you my life story.  Find your own motivation.  If you want to reach heaven you must walk through hell.  You cannot take what you have earned to the grave.  Legends before me have walked this road…you think you could put on their tattered, beat-up shoes and walk a mile?  You couldn’t even lace them up. 

   Day in and day out is what this sport is all about.  Find your own ritual.  The weights will not show mercy or sympathy towards your life.  Find the meaning behind your own existence and embrace it.  I have paved my own road; I suggest you do the same.  Harsh?  You better find something better to suit your needs. 

   I have been bullied, picked on, and embarrassed.  I am not looking for your sympathy.  It has made me the man I am today…yeah, yeah the typical short, skinny kid story.  Who cares?  That WAS me.  Now…still short, little wider but a lot more confident in myself.  Say what you want and do what you want.  I may have stumbled upon this sport but it has shown me that every second of my life was meant to be. 

   Go get what you deserve…the iron is there, waiting to mess your day up: the thought of becoming something greater is there for the taking.  Train like a freak and give your body no choice but to grow…not only physically but mentally.  I am here to tell you that it can be done.  It will not be pretty, it will not be glamorous, and by no means will it be easy.  Time for you to stand the test of time.  The first day I picked up a weight I had no clue that it would lead me here…I am not done, I haven’t even started.

   See what I mean?  Very few people have this drive, this determination to put themselves through hell.  Excruciating pain and suffering…falling to my knees.  Yes, I fail…yes, I fall.  But it has not kept me down.  Now is the time to stand up tall. 

   Regret and fear can bury a man regardless of his strength.  Realize your potential and realize that consistency is what counts.  The only guarantee in life…once time has passed you cannot bring it back.  BE YOU and do not forget where you have come from… Be your own driving force.

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