The Biggest Winner!

Discussion in ‘New Articles‘ started by Bnatural, Feb 12, 2014.


    Bnatural Brandon Axtreme

    Award Points:
    I debated on whether or not to “weigh in” on this, now heated topic. I say heated because, if you keep up with social media, then you know the recent unveiling of a “winner” on a very popular weight loss challenge television show… Several people (and I mean thousands) have willingly stated their opinions on the show’s outcome and winner. None of it, really, in a positive light. Here’s what happened in case you missed it.
    In this televised weight loss competition, men and women compete to see who loses the most weight by the show’s finale. Hours are spent, daily, training/working out. Periodically, the contestants have their weigh ins. The person or people who have lost the LEAST amount of weight face elimination through a co-competitor’s voting system or other challenges. Here’s the kicker– the winner of the competition wins 250k… that’s $250,000… a quarter of a million… basically, a lot of Benjamins (that’s in Benjamin Franklin, the President of the United States found on the $100 bill, for those that aren’t hip on the lingo.)
    Ok, so what’s the big deal? There was a competition. Obviously, the winner lost the most weight. That’s the game, right? Well, yes. Yes, it is. But the end result of the winner’s conquest came with a backlash of social media bashing by the thousands!! Even the celebrity trainers stood with obvious expressions of disbelief as the winner took the stage for her final showing. Their facial expressions said it all.
    The history of this winner is that of a former national competitive athlete, healthy, strong, and of course, carried an athletic build. In order to be a nationally recognized athlete, one would have to follow a healthy program in training and nutrition. During their stint as a competitive athlete, a life event occurred causing them to lose confidence, give up on competing and, basically, fall into a downward spiral. Meanwhile, their weight went up into the upper 260 pound mark, the weight in which they began the television competition. We’ve heard these stories before, though, right? Some on television, some in everyday life. People “fall off” due to life happenings that become too difficult to come back from, causing depression, poor eating habits and other self-destructive habits. What makes this particular case so extraordinary is the amount of weight this individual lost. Nearly 155 lbs lost. In roughly 7 months. I hate math, but let’s do some, because those numbers are crazy.
    The “safe” weight loss number per week is 1 to 2 pounds. Looking at an average 4 weeks per month, we could say that a safe weight loss number would be, what, 28-56 pounds in 7 months? A hundred and fifty-five pounds, though… That’s an average of about 5.5 pounds per week. Ok. Enough, already, with the math. My brain hurts.
    The “before and after” pictures I’ve seen of the weight loss winner, honestly, made me sad. I shook my head with a tsk, tsk, tsk. I immediately passed a negative judgment. I said, along with thousands of others, “They are too skinny!! Something’s wrong!” But… reading a lot of posts and comments over social media, reading the articles and coverage from the tabloids, there was something that many of us missed… $250,000. That’s $1,613 gained PER POUND lost. See what I’m saying? I know people that would do worse things to themselves for a lot less.
    So, let’s look at it in this light. Nationally televised show. Competitive weight loss. A quarter mill on the line. Let’s face it. That’s a life changing pay day. What would you do? Forget the “gains”. Throw the aesthetics of a fine tuned physique out the window. Definitely disregard “bulking season”… There’s a mad amount of money on the table for the taking, son!! I don’t know. Because I know better and because I know the negatives and the chances of a completely screwed up metabolism, that kind of money would do a lot of good for my family. No debts. College tuition for my kids. My wife needs a new car and our house could use a complete over-haul… and all I would need to do is lose the most weight?! Hmmm…
    Bottom line: The weight loss competition winner looks frail and sickly. They have received an immeasurable amount of negative feedback and bashing, from social media to personal verbal attacks. But no one truly understands what demons they has faced and may still be facing. No one knows the mental and physical anguish they may have gone through to reach their current weight, to win. TO WIN. $250,000. Any time someone begins the journey to weight loss, it is an absolute battle physically and especially mentally. Especially mental. Now, they are in a new body, a new view on life, a new beginning and, yeah, with a little bit more in their bank account. My only hope is that this person uses their winnings to hire a great trainer and nutritionist that will get them to a healthy place in their physical and mental life. Also, I hope that the message that the winner put out to the little kids and older ones and even adults IS NOT one that reflects that this type of weight loss, in this extremity, is acceptable and safe. I’m a father of 4 kids. All of them are athletes and, at the same time, face society’s impressionism. It’s enough to make a man tear through an all you can eat buffet.

    Click here to read the full article…

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